Summary of WGEA's Work


The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) is an Australian government agency that promotes and improves gender equality in the workplace. It works towards achieving equal pay, equal opportunities, and equal recognition for both men and women in all aspects of employment.

Key Objectives

The agency has several key objectives that guide its work. These include promoting and improving gender equality in the workplace, collecting and analyzing data on gender equality, providing education and resources to employers, and working towards eliminating workplace discrimination and bias.


Over the years, the WGEA has achieved significant milestones in advancing gender equality in Australia. It has successfully implemented the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, which requires organizations with 100 or more employees to report on their gender equality indicators. This reporting has helped identify areas of improvement and has encouraged organizations to take action towards achieving gender equality.

The agency has also developed a range of tools and resources to assist employers in promoting gender equality. These resources include guidelines on gender pay equity, flexible working arrangements, and strategies to address unconscious bias in the workplace. By providing these resources, the WGEA has empowered employers to take proactive steps towards creating a more inclusive and equal workplace.

Data Collection and Analysis

One of the core functions of the WGEA is to collect and analyze data on gender equality in the workplace. The agency collects data from organizations through its annual reporting process, which includes information on gender composition, pay gaps, and policies and practices related to gender equality. This data is then used to identify trends, measure progress, and inform policy development.

The WGEA also conducts research and analysis on various aspects of gender equality. This research helps to identify barriers and challenges faced by women in the workplace and provides insights into effective strategies for promoting gender equality. The agency regularly publishes reports and research findings to share this knowledge with employers, policymakers, and the wider community.

Education and Resources

In addition to data collection and analysis, the WGEA provides education and resources to employers to support their efforts in promoting gender equality. The agency offers training programs, workshops, and webinars on topics such as gender pay equity, flexible working arrangements, and preventing discrimination and harassment. These educational initiatives help employers understand the importance of gender equality and provide them with practical tools and strategies to implement in their organizations.

The WGEA also maintains an extensive online resource library, which includes guidelines, case studies, and best practice examples. Employers can access these resources to gain insights and inspiration for their own gender equality initiatives. The agency also provides a range of tools and calculators to assist organizations in analyzing their gender pay gaps and developing action plans to address them.


The Workplace Gender Equality Agency plays a crucial role in promoting and improving gender equality in the Australian workplace. Through its data collection and analysis, education and resources, and advocacy efforts, the agency has made significant progress towards achieving equal opportunities and recognition for men and women. However, there is still work to be done, and the WGEA continues to drive change and support employers in their journey towards gender equality.