Teaching Students to Wrangle Big Data

Published on February 5, 2020

Contact: EdWeek.org

The Growing Significance of Big Data

In today's world, big data is becoming increasingly significant. Data is being generated at an unprecedented rate and is being used to inform decision-making processes in various industries. Students need to develop data literacy skills to thrive in the future job market.

The Role of Educators

Educators play a crucial role in teaching students how to wrangle big data. They should incorporate data literacy into their curriculum and provide students with opportunities to work with real-world datasets. By doing so, educators can help students develop critical thinking skills and the ability to draw meaningful insights from data.

Challenges and Solutions

Teaching students to wrangle big data comes with its challenges. Educators may face difficulties in finding appropriate datasets and teaching the necessary technical skills. However, there are various resources available, such as online platforms and data visualization tools, that can assist educators in overcoming these challenges.

The Art and Science of the Scatterplot

A study conducted by the Pew Research Center titled "The Art and Science of the Scatterplot" explores the effectiveness of using scatterplots to communicate data. Visualizing data through scatterplots can help individuals understand complex relationships between variables.

The Math Myth and STEM Delusions

"The Math Myth: And Other STEM Delusions" by A. Hacker challenges the notion that math is the sole foundation of STEM education. Teaching students how to analyze and interpret data is equally important in preparing them for future careers.

Case Study of Student Experiences

A case study conducted by Erica Heinzman in 2022 explores student experiences with math and coding. It highlights the preference for coding when it is related to real-world applications. This emphasizes the importance of teaching students how to work with data, as it provides a practical and relevant context for learning.

The Potential of Data Science in K-12 Education

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Advancements in technology and the increasing availability of data have created new opportunities and challenges in various fields. One such field is K-12 education, where the integration of data science has the potential to transform teaching and learning. In this paper, the authors provide a preview of the national landscape of K-12 data science implementation.


The authors would like to acknowledge the Valhalla Foundation for their support in this work. They also clarify that the opinions and statements in the paper are solely those of the individual authors and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by various educational and scientific organizations.

The Significance of Data in Today's World

Data plays a significant role in today's world, and it is changing various aspects of society. The authors specifically focus on the rise of "big" or complex data, the increasing availability of data, and the advancements in technology that have made data analysis and interpretation more accessible.

The Potential of Data Science in K-12 Education

The integration of data science in K-12 education is seen as a potential game-changer. By introducing students to data science concepts and skills at an early age, educators can empower them to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and informed decision-makers. This, in turn, can prepare them for the data-driven world they will encounter in their future careers.

Overview of the National Landscape of K-12 Data Science Implementation

To provide a comprehensive overview of the national landscape of K-12 data science implementation, the authors conducted a thorough analysis. They examined existing literature, policies, and initiatives related to data science education in K-12 settings. They also conducted interviews and surveys with educators, administrators, and policymakers to gather insights and perspectives.

Key Themes and Trends in K-12 Data Science Implementation

The findings of the analysis reveal several key themes and trends in K-12 data science implementation. Firstly, there is a growing recognition of the importance of data science education in preparing students for the future. Many educators and policymakers are advocating for the integration of data science into the curriculum.

Challenges and Barriers to Widespread Implementation

However, the authors also note that there are significant challenges and barriers to widespread implementation. These include a lack of resources, limited teacher training and professional development opportunities, and a lack of standardized frameworks and assessments for data science education.

Promising Initiatives in K-12 Data Science Implementation

Despite the challenges, the authors highlight several promising initiatives and programs that are leading the way in K-12 data science implementation. These include partnerships between schools and universities, the development of open-source curriculum materials, and the use of innovative teaching methods and technologies.


The authors conclude by emphasizing the need for continued research, collaboration, and support to further advance K-12 data science implementation. They call for the development of national standards and guidelines for data science education, increased investment in teacher training and professional development, and the establishment of networks and communities of practice to share best practices and resources.

In summary, this paper provides a preview of the national landscape of K-12 data science implementation. It highlights the potential of data science in transforming teaching and learning and identifies key themes, trends, challenges, and promising initiatives in this field. The authors stress the importance of continued research and collaboration to further advance K-12 data science education.

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