Heterogeneity in Impacts

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Summary of Study Findings

The study examined the impact of the national emergency declaration on restaurants in the United States. It found that following the declaration, there was a significant decrease in both spending and the number of transactions across all types of restaurants. Although there was a slight upward trend in restaurant spending and transactions from November 2020 to January 2021, the recovery has been slow and has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels.

Variation Across Restaurant Types and Meals

The study also highlighted the heterogeneity in the impacts on different types of restaurants and meals. The average spending at restaurants in March to May 2020 dropped by 29 percent compared to the same period in 2019. Throughout the rest of 2020, spending remained below the previous year's levels for all restaurants. In the period of October to December 2020, estimates showed an 8 percent decrease in spending compared to the same period in 2019.

Slow Recovery

Despite the slight improvement in restaurant spending and transactions from November 2020 to January 2021, the recovery has been slow. The study did not provide specific data on the pace of recovery, but it indicated that both metrics have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels. This suggests that the restaurant industry is still facing challenges in fully recovering from the impacts of the national emergency.


In conclusion, the study found that the national emergency declaration had a significant negative impact on restaurant spending and transactions in the United States. The recovery has been slow, and both metrics have not yet reached pre-pandemic levels. The study also highlighted the heterogeneity in the impacts across different types of restaurants and meals. This information provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by the restaurant industry during the pandemic.

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Publication source

See the PDF from which this article has been generated: PDF source url: https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/103455/ap-100.pdf?v=350